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The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) explains detox as “a set of interventions aimed at managing acute intoxication and withdrawal. It denotes a clearing of toxins from the body of the patient who is acutely intoxicated and/ or dependent on substances of abuse.” Nowadays, there are a variety of different detox methods available. Natural detox methods focus on removing toxins from the body without traditional medical intervention. Natural detox may also include the use of alternative approaches, such as yoga, acupuncture, emphasizing an organic, nutrient-rich, and toxin-free diet, massage therapy, herbal remedies, vitamin supplements, and exercise. While each of these modalities can play a helpful role, empirical evidence favors diet and exercise when it comes to detoxing naturally.

The Importance Of Diet And Exercise

Food is the fuel for your body, and proper nutrition can help the healing process. What is consumed during detox will provide the body with the needed support to rid it of toxins, while also arming it with the ample nourishment to rebuild. An individual detoxing should maintain a nutrient-rich, low-fat diet that includes the following foods:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: fiber-rich and nutrient-packed, most fresh fruits and vegetables help boost immunity, protect the liver, and stabilize blood sugar levels, which in turn, diminishes cravings.
  • Leafy greens (e.g., kale, spinach, alfalfa, chard, parsley, seaweed, etc.): are a great source of fiber to flush out the body and provide antioxidants that boost the immune system.
  • Deeply colored berries (e.g., strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc.): deliver anthocyanins (plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects) and are another source of antioxidants, which help fight disease.
  • Seeds and nuts: contain healthy fats, antioxidants, and vitamins.
  • Fatty fish (e.g., salmon, sardines, trout, etc.): are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which can help curb substance cravings.
  • Garlic: has antiviral, antibacterial, and antibiotic properties, and contains a chemical called allicin which promotes the production of white blood cells and helps fight against toxins.

Engaging in regular exercise is a natural way for one’s body to release endorphins, triggering positive feelings in one’s body and alleviating pain. It helps to reduce inflammation throughout the body, balances the ratio between sugars and fats, assuage cravings, and can help to stabilize one’s mood. Regular exercise can enhance one’s sleep quality, help to curb anxiety and release galanin and endocannabinoids, both of which significantly reduce stress. Refining one’s diet and exercise habits can play a crucial role in one’s detox process.

For Information and Support

If you are concerned for yourself or a loved one regarding substance abuse and/ or addiction, we recommend reaching out for help as soon as possible. If left untreated, substance abuse can result in long-lasting and potentially life-threatening consequences. Keep in mind: you are not alone! There is an entire network of professionals that are available to help and support you and your loved one throughout the recovery process. The earlier you seek support, the sooner your loved one can return to a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions regarding our specific program at Haven House Addiction Treatment and/ or general substance abuse and/ or addiction treatment-related information. Our highly trained staff is readily available to discuss how we might best be able to help you and your loved one. We can be reached by phone at 424-258-6792. You are also welcome to contact anytime us via email at admissions@hhtxc.com.

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